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 By collaborating with Asha Foundation, your company can truly create impact across our Education, Special Needs and Livelihood, and Women’s Empowerment projects

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about us

Commitment to empower women

When women are able to control their own income, they are able to allocate more of it towards providing for their children's needs, such as food, health, and clothing, as well as education. This is the most effective way to break the pattern of poverty. Additionally, an income can have a positive effect on a woman's self-confidence, self-esteem, pride, and worth.



of committed work

call to action

Fundraising For The People And Causes You Care About

Many women in rural India are still in an economically disadvantaged position. They often suffer from a lack of education, unequal property rights and limited control over resources. Employment can make a huge change for women and their families.

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